Welcome to A Good Yarn

I’m glad you’re here. My name is Sandi Rosner. I’m a hand knitting designer, technical editor, writer and teacher. I’m also a voracious reader with eclectic tastes. If you, too, love yarn and books, you’ve come to the right place.

In this weekly newsletter (usually sent on Thursdays), I’ll share what I’m knitting, what I’m reading, and what I’m thinking about. I’ll recommend knitting yarns and books that I think are worth your time and money. I’ll tell you if a product was gifted to me or if I bought it. At this time, I earn no commission if you choose to purchase something I recommend, with the exception of books. I’ll let you know if that changes.

As of February 15, 2024, links to books will take you to Bookshop.org, and they are affiliate links. If you make a purchase through these links, I will earn a small referral commission at no additional cost to you. Bookshop.org is a non-profit that supports independent bookstore, and is a great alternative to Amazon.

I know there are lots of newsletters, websites, and apps competing for your limited and valuable screen time. Thanks for choosing to spend some of that time with me. I don’t take it for granted, and I hope you’ll find it worth your while.

Why subscribe?

This is a reader-supported, one-woman show. For now, nothing is locked behind a paywall—you are welcome to read everything I’ve published. If you have the means and enjoy reading this newsletter, please consider supporting this work with a paid subscription. Paid subscribers receive my sincere gratitude, along with a coupon code for a free download of one of my knitting patterns on Ravelry, and a free download of every pattern I publish in the future.

If you just want to take me for a test-drive, or if money is tight (I get it), signing up for a free subscription means A Good Yarn will land directly in your inbox each week. You’ll never miss an issue.

What I Believe

  • In the words of author Henry James, “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”

  • Who you love and how you love is none of my business.

  • The best places are those where all are welcomed and treated with respect. The best conversations are those where all voices are heard.

  • Most things in life are better with a generous sprinkle of humor.

  • Public libraries are the foundation of a healthy society.

  • Listening to an audiobook counts as reading. Yes, I know it’s a different experience, but I still count an audiobook as having been “read”.

  • There is no such thing as too much chocolate.

Be Part of the Conversation

Use the comments section of each newsletter to argue (respectfully) or agree with the opinions I express. Share your own recommendations or projects with other readers.

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Be part of a community of people who share your interests. Participate in the comments section, or support this work with a paid subscription.

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Subscribe to A Good Yarn

Weekly writings from Sandi Rosner on a life filled with knitting and books.