Jan 13Liked by Sandi Rosner

Told you it was good! I watched it a second time.

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First of all, my apologies. Be sure and keep those girls corralled. Last time I checked, mine were booking thickets to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Thank you for another pleasant and informative read. I am still trying to finish the book I started last March, before hell was unleashed. Now I take it down to read on the Kindle while I wait for the so called food to be served. Maybe I can finish it by the time the weather here warms enough to read outside. Had another storm last night. Snow on the mountains this morning. No photos. Too cold to get out and hold a camera; but take my word for it: the view is nice.

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Your sweaters are beautiful! And yup, I pile up the clothes, too! Cheers to a very happy 2024!

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